Priyanka, Danielle and I were always called 'the wives' and I hated that: Sophie Turner

Sophie Turner
Sophie Turner. Photo: Instagram/Sophie Turner

In a recent interview, Sophie Turner opened up about her relationship with Joe Jonas and her experiences as part of the Jonas family. Joe and Sophie were together for nearly seven years before their divorce in 2023.
The Jonas brothers—Joe, Nick, and Kevin—each have high-profile marriages. Joe was married to Sophie Turner, Nick to Priyanka Chopra, and Kevin to Danielle. The wives often accompanied the Jonas brothers on tour, but Sophie expressed dissatisfaction with being labelled simply as 'the wives'.

Sophie said that she 'hated' being referred to in this way, feeling that it reduced their individuality. “There was a lot of attention on the three brothers and the wives. We were always called the wives, and I hated that. It was kind of this plus-one feeling,” she told British Vogue. Despite this, she clarified that Joe Jonas, her ex-husband, never intended for her to feel this way.
Sophie and Joe married in 2019. By September 2023, they had decided to go their separate ways.

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