TTE assaulted for questioning passenger without reservation in Malappuram

Photo: Screengrab/Manorama

Malappuram: A Travelling Ticket Examiner (TTE) aboard the Mangalore-Thiruvananthapuram Maveli Express was assaulted by a passenger on Sunday. The officer Vikram Kumar Meena, a native of Rajasthan, was attacked when he asked a passenger whether the latter had travelled in a reserved coach without a ticket. Meena, who suffered a blow to his nose, is currently undergoing treatment for injuries.

The incident occurred near Tirur in Malappuram at around 10 pm on Sunday. The official stated that he was assaulted for questioning the passenger's lack of a ticket in a reserved coach. Since the passenger only possessed a general compartment ticket, the TTE asked him to move. The assault occurred in the presence of several passengers.

"The accused was identified as Stalin Bose, a native of Kanyakumari. His arrest was recorded today," an official of the Kozhikode Railway police said. The case was registered against him under various sections of the IPC.

Last month, a TTE K Vinod was killed after he was pushed out of a moving train at Thrissur's Velappaya by a drunk passenger. He was run over by another train which was travelling in the opposite direction.

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