Thiruvananthapuram: The authorities at the legislative assembly have not been able to trace the caterer and seek an explanation after the Onasadya hosted by speaker A N Shamseer at the complex on August 24 reportedly turned into a fiasco.
Officials said the caterer had switched off this cell phone and he was untraceable.
The speaker has entrusted the secretary at the assembly to conduct an investigation into the issue and submit a report in the meantime.
The caterer had been told to prepare the feast for 1,300 persons at the outset. However, the food that was prepared outside and brought to the assembly, was sufficient for just about 800 persons.
The food ran out after being served to only half the number of invitees. The speaker and his personal staffers waited for 20 minutes but could not have the sadya. Finally, Shamseer and his team left the place after having had only payasam and bananas. During previous years, Onam celebrations were conducted in the assembly by the employees gathering money from amongst themselves. But, this year, the speaker decided the sadya would be hosted at the government’s expense.
The quotation called to provide sadya for 1,300 persons was awarded to a catering agency of Muthiyavila at Kattakada since it had quoted the lowest amount.
The sadya was served in a hall that could seat only 400 persons. All those who sat in the first batch were served. But the food ran out after half the number of people ate in the second round. The speaker and his team arrived at the venue at the time. Although chairs were arranged and the plantain leaves were laid out, the sadya did not get underway after 20 minutes. Following this, payasam and bananas were served after gathering portions from persons who were already having the sadya.
The speaker and his team left the place after having just the two items. Rice and curries were sourced from somewhere and supplied to those who were having food in the second batch.
Around 500 persons who were waiting outside went to outlets such as the Indian Coffee House nearby to satisfy their hunger. Many of those who had arrived for the sadya had to make do with parotta or chapathi from restaurants outside. The fact that there was very little food available at the coffee house too made the situation worse as the popular food joint was serving an Onasadya as well. Some of those who arrived late at the place did not get food from there either.