Kozhikode: Private bus services on the Kuttiadi-Kozhikode route resumed Thursday morning after a bus strike was called off on Wednesday night. The incident that triggered the strike occurred on Saturday when two car passengers assaulted bus driver Lineesh from Puthiyappuram, Naduvannur, after a rift. Lineesh collapsed on the road after being allegedly dragged off the bus and beaten. The strike, which began on Sunday, ended after police seized the car of the accused on Wednesday and assured their arrest during a discussion with the Atholi police inspector. The four-day-long strike, organized by bus employees' unions, severely impacted commuters, including students.
Around 60 buses were part of the strike. During a discussion called by Perambra DySP on Tuesday, union representatives informed the police that the strike would be called off if a positive decision was made. On Wednesday, the Atholi police seized the car in which the accused travelled and also the bus named Ajwa, which operates on the Kakkattil-Kuttiadi-Kozhikode route.
The employees' unions began a flash strike on Sunday, demanding proper action against the culprits who allegedly assaulted Lineesh at Koomulli, under the Atholi police station's jurisdiction. It is understood that the bus employees decided to withdraw the strike considering the struggles faced by the public, especially students. Due to the strike, thousands of daily passengers were inconvenienced. The Atholi police have issued notices to the accused car passengers who allegedly assaulted the driver.