Top travel trends to watch out for in 2017

Travel Trends. Photo: Istock

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.” – Mark Twain

And so, we travel. Every year, people in the industry keep an eye out for trends that are emerging. Here are some of the words that you are going to keep hearing in 2017.

1) Digital Nomad

Be a digital nomad, stay connected. Photo: Istock

A nomad, as you know is someone who lives in a different location, moving from a place to another. In this digital era, when connectivity is just a click away, more and more people are depending on various means of communication to be connected irrespective of where they are. And earn a living. Wifi, smart phones, and cloud-based applications help the digital nomad to be in touch with their offices or clients. 

2) Bikepacking

Get moving. Photo: Istock

It is the official word now. Bikepacking in the true sense of the word is traveling on a bicycle. But, come on, we can include motorbikes too in this category. So pack your bags, get moving. 

3) Sustainable Travel

Give back to mother nature. Photo: Istock

The watchword for Kerala Tourism for the year 2016 was sustainable travel. And it is going to stay. With the United Nations proclaiming 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism Development - an initiative that they hope the travelers will contribute towards three dimensions of sustainability, economic, social and environmental of the nature around us

4) Microadventures

Go camping. Photo: Istock

British adventurer and author Alastair Humphreys coined the word in 2012 and we have been doing it forever. But now, microadventures are catching on. The Collins Dictionary defines microadventures as adventures that are cheap, simple, short, and effective. With the recession tightening our purse strings, we're looking to our own back gardens for a holiday. A place near home, not very expensive, and yet give you the thrill of an adventure. Ideal for a demonetized India, right?

5) Go local

Explore a place like a local. Photo: Istock

Gone are the days when the traveler was happy with a package tour by a tour operator. Now, armed with information on their fingertips, they want to connect, see the life around in a new place. To live like a local is the catch phrase these days. 

6) Social decisions

Social decisions. Photo: Istock

Social media and the posts you see in the groups you follow shape travel plans for a lot of people. And they will rule your decisions. 

7) Bleisure

Travel for leisure. Photo: Istock

Bleisure or traveling for business and leisure popped up on the radar in 2016 and is going to stay if not gain popularity in 2017 too. More boutique hotels with amenities for leisure has risen globally keeping up with this trend of travel.

8) Disconnect to reconnect

A digital detox. Photo: Istock

For some, it is absolutely essential to go in for a digital detox. To go on a break to connect with nature, your family, people close to you. And trust us, you will hear more about this in 2017.