Good reads | Three fantastic books to curl up with this weekend

» The Ceaseless Chatter of Demons - Ashok Ferry

"I was born ugly. That's what my mother always said.” So begins the story of young Sonny Mahadewala who leads a dual life - between his adoptive Britain where he cohabits with a privileged American, and the traditional Mahadewala Walauwa, the big house of his father's people in Kandy (the ancient capital of Sri Lanka), where a troubled existence has earned him both honor and shame.

But Sonny's mother is convinced that this ugly son of hers is possessed by demons. Will he be able to prove her wrong? Find out.

Demons and the devil himself circumscribe the playing field of this book, whether seated in the draughty chapels of Oxford or roaming the Kandyan countryside, and through their clever interplay, they speak of larger horrors with able grace.

Paperback amazon price: Rs 299

No Kindle edition yet

» Survivors - Anamika Mukherjee

In a post-apocalyptic world of a nuclear disaster, small settlements were built on the outskirts of what used to be north Delhi. Without any kind of technology and convenience, life here has regressed to the dark ages. Radiation has ruined the water and the soil and survival is almost impossible.

That's when 13-year-old Natasha, utterly traumatized by the rape of her sister, runs away from home and stumbles upon a library and its only occupant - 18-year-old Ved. Will the library be their key to a bright future?

"My purpose in writing this book is to work out the precise questions that we need answers to before we can have any sensible discussion on the risks and benefits of nuclear energy," Mukherjee writes in the post script.

Paperback amazon price: Rs 224

Kindle edition: Rs 209.30

» Saraswati's Intelligence -Vamsee Juluri

Ancient Kishkindha, the land of Hanuman and his people, is in mortal danger. A new and deadly race of beings that destroy and devour anything alive is gathering outside Kishkindha's northern frontiers and an invasion is imminent.

Hanuman, meanwhile, has been exiled by the intrigues of his aunt, the empress Riksharaja, in order to make way for Vali. Only his cousin Sugreeva and wise guru Vishwamitra can help Hanuman as his identity takes him onward to face a world no one in Kishkindha has ever heard of.

The book, first of 'The Kishkindha Chronicles', re-imagines the ancient pre-history of India from a startlingly new perspective that will make us rethink what it means to be human and animal.

Paperback amazon price: Rs 194

Kindle edition : Rs 41

(With inputs from IANS)