If an elderly person collapses on the footpath, you may be able to identify them from their ID card. However, they bystanders often wonder whether they fell do to an existing illness or exhaustion. Wouldn’t it be convenient if they had something with their health history, that others could use to help them? Kerala will soon have such a ‘smart card.’ The card will contain details of a person’s history of illness, the medicines they take, basic health update, which would make it easier for medical practitioners to provide them help immediately. The idea was conceived by Magics, a Kochi based organisation that works for the welfare of old people, reports Manorama Online. 

First in India
The organisation vows that the idea for launching a smart card for the elderly is not just a first in Kerala but in the country too. Such cards are commonly used by older people in foreign countries. Magics decided to launch such a project based on a survey conducted earlier about the various needs and requirements of senior citizens. The prototype of the smart card was recently distributed to old people through various organisations based in Kochi. Meanwhile, the association is gearing up to hold discussions with the Cochin Corporation regarding the project that addresses the various needs of old people. They have also begun preparations to launch the card in Kozhikode in the next phase. 


Future benefits and schemes
The smart card could be linked to the various schemes and benefits. Old people can use the cards for metro rides and parking if these services are linked to the card. The association also proposes facilities like making emergency services available by tapping the smart card on special machines that are installed at the metro stations and also to train autorickshaw drivers to help old people. 

• The information in the smart card that functions based on the Near Field Communication technology could be accessed using a smart phone. Information that are confidential in nature could be protected using password. 
• The details to identify the person, contact number and health conditions could be updated without changing the card. 
• Medical history including the medicines that are taken by the person and details of any triggers of allergies too could included in the card. 
• Police and family members could easily locate Alzheimer’s or dementia patients in case they roam around. 
• Palliative care workers and home nurses could access the medical records, the names of medicines and the details of the medical condition of the old person.

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