Eid, the celebration of piety

All were in a festive mood. Children were frolicking in new clothes and those passing by were greeting others with care and happiness. The effect of good energies was visible in everyone's faces. It was then that Prophet Muhammad, who had emerged from a mosque, saw the child in tatters, wailing by the side of the path.

His cries and facial expressions revealed that he was unhappy about something that he was thinking after seeing the children draped in their new garments. The prophet immediately went up to the child and embraced him and then led him to his home. He asked his wife Ayesha to bathe the child and give him good clothes to wear and food to eat.

The prophet said, 'From today, I am your father and Ayesha is your mother.' The little face expanded on hearing this and seeing that, Ayesha's pious heart swelled. Raising his forefinger and middle finger, the prophet said, "Those who protect orphans and I would sit close in heaven thus."

All this happened on the day of the small festival.

Believers who have observed austerities in the right manner rejoice during Eid-ul-Fitr. In Arabia, festivities were long held twice a year. The prophet who understood that celebrations are a way to cement cohesion in the society, said, "You had two days to rejoice during the time of ignorance. Now, Allah has allowed you two, more important, days to celebrate; Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Asaha."

The words echo the essence of Islamic celebrations, which are observed to replace those which were celebrated during periods of ignorance. More than a festival, it is also a challenge to immorality in the name of celebrations during the period of ignorance. The prophet rejects the idea of revelry during celebrations and according to him, right jubilation is the celebration of peaceful joy.

All of us are guided by means and ends. For example, one who wishes to keep his body healthy eats food systematically.

However, one who forgets the objective feels that eating food is the sole objective. What would be the condition of one who feels that means and ends are the same and consumes rocks, mud and wood, trying to feel satiated? Can such a person reach his or her goal? The same is the condition of one who follows austerities during Ramzan and then goes on an eating and drinking binge accompanied by other immoral activities. That is when the roughly 400 hours of penance becomes mere starvation. Seeing such people the prophet said, "How many penitents....they only starved and longed for a drop of water, they gained nothing else."

For the believers, celebration is also prayer. For them it is a chance to revel in blessings and get relief from sin; a time to celebrate liberation from hell. It is a time to show gratitude to the almighty for making them a witness to good times. They visit friends, pray and involve themselves in charity. That is when they carry on the aura of divine celebrations in their daily lives.

We should be able to reject what is bad and accept what is good. None should remain hungry during the days of the feast-whether it is due to circumstances or self inflicted. When donating food, donate the best and ensure that all are able to enjoy the happiness of bidding adieu to hunger. Austerities are pure, but on the days of celebrations, it is banned, even sinful!

A month of austerities would have instilled discipline in the believer and they would have put a stop to unrestrained desires. They would have honed passions with the right tools of thought and propriety. They would have understood that restraint is required to move the tongue, open the eyes and move the mind. Now, maintain those qualities for life!

Along with prayers, get involved in protecting the poor and the destitute, rebuilding the nation, education and cultural activities and so on. Let the day be the preface to our journey to a creative future. May all be happy on Eid-ul-Fitr.

(The author is the general secretary of the All India Sunni Jamiyathul Ulema)