Yoga is not just an exercise

There is no doubt that postures and exercises are part of yoga.

People interpret yoga in different ways. Some say it is a form of exercise, while others believe it is a spiritual journey. Some others speak of its health benefits. Yoga is not just physical exercise or postures; it unifies the body, the mind, the soul and the universe. It brings big changes in a person’s behaviour, thinking and attitude. I will say that yoga is more or less indispensable. If you want to be aware, perceptive, wise, strong and intuitive, you need to practise yoga.

If it is explained spiritually, it ceases to be spiritual. It has to be experienced. It is spirituality that brings life into lives and fills you with love and energy that last for ages. Meditation is certainly a part of yoga. Yoga should be meditative in nature. If not, it will be just an exercise, like gymnastics.

In Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna says, “yogah karmasu kausalam”. It means yoga is skill in action. Yoga and skill have the same meaning. If you are skilled, it means you have followed the path of yoga somewhere. Not only that, if you practise yoga, pranayama and meditation, and if you follow yama and niyama, you will certainly be skilled at work. Skill means sustaining your spirit while doing your job without draining energy. It can be achieved only through yoga. When you do normal work, you get tired. As a result, by the time the work yields results, you are unable to enjoy it because of exhaustion. Hence, yoga is a skill that lifts your spirit and sustains your energy while leading you to achievements.

If you have a lot of enthusiasm and energy, you are in the present moment. You take things as they come, and you do not expect anything. Then your action, instead of expecting joy out of its result, becomes an expression of joy.

There is no doubt that postures and exercises are part of yoga. However, it should not be limited to or misconstrued as just exercise. It is a holistic development, of the expression and harmony of human life.

Each baby is a yogi. In its posture, breathing pattern, power of comprehension, sharpness and the ability to stay in the present moment, a baby exhibits all the qualities of a yogi.