The Kerala High Court reserved its verdict on a petition challenging the disclosure of Justice Hema Committee Report on Wednesday. Bar & Bench reported that producer Saji Parayil in his petition said that releasing the report on the working conditions of women in Malayalam films would adversely affect the industry.
The Kerala State Women's Commission and Women in Cinema Collective (WCC) had moved applications demanding the disclosure of the report that was tabled before the state government in 2019. The Kerala government had constituted the committee in 2017 on a petition filed by WCC, which highlighted the plight of women in the industry.
Making an oral remark to Parayil's submission Justice V G Arun said the fact that numerous impleadment applications have been filed showed the “importance of this issue”. Parayil had said the disclosure of the report would lead to compromising privacy and breach of confidentiality that could be potentially damaging for individuals.
Based on a July 5 directive from the State Information Commission, the report was scheduled to be disseminated on July 24, but the High Court stayed its release hours before the deadline.