What is APAAR ID?

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APAAR (Automated Permanent Academic Account Registry) is a 12-digit identity number that serves as a permanent academic record for students.

Image Credit: iStock/Deepak Sethi

It tracks their academic journey, including examination results, academic bank credits, and benefits like scholarships, there by ensuring a comprehensive and secure academic record system.

Image Credit: iStock/Deepak Sethi

The introduction of face identification via the APAAR ID will help prevent errors in candidate details and improve efficiency in processes like attendance in examination halls. For candidates, this ensures secure handling of examination details as well.

Image Credit: iStock/Mayur Kakade

How to obtain an APAAR ID

The responsibility for issuing APAAR IDs to students lies with the schools concerned. Parents must submit a consent letter to the school, and if the candidate is a minor, a guardian must appear in person.

Image Credit: iStock/Deepak Sethi

APAAR IDs can be generated using the UDISE system under the Union Ministry of Education’s School Education Department. A 11-digit Permanent Education Number (PEN) is required for this process. For PEN-related details, visit the National Informatics Centre at www.nic.in/blog/personal-education-number.

Image Credit: iStock/Deepak Sethi

Once generated, the APAAR ID must be uploaded to the candidate’s Digi Locker account.

Image Credit: iStock/triloks

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