Deepika Padukone's baby is expected to arrive this month, and social media is abuzz with speculation about the exact date. The couple, who announced their pregnancy in February, shared on Instagram that their baby is due in September 2024.
In the lead-up to the big day, Deepika has been showcasing her maternity fashion with style and grace. Her public appearances, where she proudly flaunts her baby bump, have been going viral, capturing the attention and admiration of fans everywhere.
As reported by News 18, the actress is set to take maternity leave until March 2025. A source close to the situation shared with the portal, "Deepika and Ranveer are excitedly preparing for this new chapter in their lives and are busy creating a special space for their baby.
If everything goes as planned, she is expected to give birth on September 28 at a hospital in South Bombay.