The comedy series centres on Bella Chowdhary (Ananya Panday), a pampered heiress from South Delhi whose life is upended when her affluent family disowns her following an unforeseen incident. Determined to rebuild her life, she relocates to Mumbai, only to struggle with the city's hectic and unpredictable pace.
In this high-octane action thriller, Army Commander Amrit Rathod (Lakshya) embarks on a daring journey to New Delhi to thwart the arranged marriage of his beloved Tulika (Tanya Maniktala). However, his mission takes a dark turn when Tulika is abducted by a ruthless gangster and his crew.
'Adios Amigo', directed by Nahas Nazar, brings together two strangers from vastly different walks of life who find themselves on a journey, neither of them expected. As they travel together, they catch fleeting glimpses of each other's worlds, creating moments of connection and humour.
Directed by Vineeth Kumar, Pavi Caretaker blends comedy and drama to delve into the everyday hurdles and amusing predicaments of its main character. In the film, Dileep stars as Pavithran, affectionately known as Pavi, a caretaker at a residential apartment complex in Kerala. An unmarried man, Pavi lives with his loyal dog, Bro, in the home of a retired police officer named Mariyamma.