Flax seeds are a powerhouse of nutrition and an excellent addition to your weight-loss journey. Packed with fibre, omega-3 fatty acids, and lignin, these tiny seeds can help help curb hunger, improve digestion, and regulate blood sugar levels – all essential factors in achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight.
Mix 1 tsp flaxseed powder into a glass of hot water, stir well, and add 1 tsp lemon juice for a refreshing twist. Enjoy this energizing drink in the morning or between meals to stay full and hydrated.
Mix 2 tbsp flax seed powder into wheat flour and knead with saltwater into a soft dough. Roll out and cook the chapathis until golden. These chapathis are soft, nutritious, and per
Toast flax seeds in a pan while sprinkling ½ tsp salt dissolved in 2 tbsp water. Stir continuously until the seeds pop (about 6–7 minutes). Let them cool and store in an airtight jar. Use as a topping for salads, yogurt, or smoothies.
Dry roast 1 cup flax seeds, ¾ cup almonds, and ½ cup sesame seeds (white and black) until they pop and cool. Coarsely grind the roasted ingredients and mix in a bowl. In a pan, melt 1 cup organic jaggery powder with 3 tsp ghee. Add 1 tsp cardamom powder and the roasted mixture. Combine well, cool for 7 minutes, and shape into ladoos.