Bringing forth a social concern with 'The Glass Menagerie'

Rajit Kapur

Kochi: 'The Glass Menagerie' directed by Rajit Kapur will be staged at the JT PAC, Kochi on Sunday, 7 PM.

Revisiting American playwright Tennessee William's 1944 classic 'The Glass Menagerie' narrates a universal story about a family that lost the ability to communicate and is living in difficult times.

The two hour long English play, produced by Rage Theatre, Mumbai deals with some sombre social issues in a light-hearted manner.

The play also co-stars Shernaz Patel with the 'mommy-act,' Ayaz Ansari, Saloni Shukla, Ira Dubey, Jim Sarbh, Ashish Sharma and Ursula Pereira.

A still from the play

For further details contact: 8086881681 / 9349528057.