On yoga day, Krishnaprabha is an inspiration

The charming actress Krishnaprabha is a known face for the Malayali audience. Over the years, as viewers got to see her physical makeover, she credits everything to yoga.

On International Yoga Day, Krishnaprabha shares how packed yoga in her busy schedule.

“I needed to reduce my weight for a film and that's how I started doing yoga as part of work. Earlier, I used to dance and with that my body was quite flexible. I joined a yoga center at Panampilly Nagar, Kochi, which is very close to my house. Rajeev P Nair, who ws a doctor with the general hospital, trained me there. I got personal yoga training from him. It's just been a year-and-a-half since I started doing and over the course of time I know it has brought a change in me. It's not that I have slimmed down a lot but I could feel that my body has tightened and I have lost the chubby look I had before. Once I developed an interest in yoga, I have been doing it regularly,” she said.

Ask her about her routine, she says, “I wake up at 6 am and practice it till 8. We do various kinds of floor exercises as well. Waking up early is the hard part but once you are set to do yoga, everything goes on track. On days when I couldn't make it, my routine takes a hit - everything gets affected.”

Although Krishnaprabha says she is not someone to talk about the benefits of yoga, she points to the misconceptions that many have about of it. “There have been times when people told me how Surya Namaskaram is all about worshipping the Sun God and everyone cannot follow it. But on this occasion, let me tell you that it's all about worshipping your own body. When one does yoga, they sweat, by sweating the tissues open up and it removes the waste in our body and gives a glow to the skin. It makes our breathing correct and that helps in bolstering immunity."