All you need to know about satanism, ouija board and astral projection

Of late, incidents of Satanists stealing consecrated communion bread and other sacred hosts from Catholic churches have occurred repeatedly in Kerala and Karnataka. Photo: Getty Images

Does your children spend too much time surfing the internet? If yes, they are at greater risk of landing themselves in the net of clandestine groups operating out of different parts of the world promoting destructive and vicious ideologies.

Worship of the devil is just one of them. There were reports of several such ‘invisible’ groups covertly operating online. They include international terror groups that plan ‘mass casualty’ attacks in a bid to destabilize countries or governments, and secret agencies.


Founded by Chicago-born Anton Szandor LaVey in 1966, the Church of Satan is by far the most well-known and most public Satanic organization. Photo: Getty Images

Of late, incidents of Satanists stealing consecrated communion bread and other sacred hosts from Catholic churches have occurred repeatedly in Kerala and Karnataka. Normally, these intruders do not touch money or other valuables, so it is clear that their motives are something else. Eventually, the stolen consecrated hosts would end up in secret centers of Satan worship and they would be used to perform dark rites including the Black Mass. Such groups are active in major Indian cities like Pune, Bengaluru etc.

Chances are high of youngsters who socialize and chat with complete strangers through internet late at night getting trapped by such groups. After making friends with gullible kids, these gangs would eventually attract them to their website carrying vicious messages. ‘Expert’ replies to queries and doubts of youngsters from India can be found on many of these websites.

Founded by Chicago-born Anton Szandor LaVey in 1966, the Church of Satan is by far the most well-known and most public Satanic organization. LaVey even declared 1966 Year One, Anno Satanas - the first year of the reign of Satan. There are many other forms of Satanism that have not quite achieved the same fame as the Church of Satan. Another prominent Satanist movement is the Temple of Set, founded by LaVey’s former right-hand man Michael Aquino after parting ways with the Church of Satan.

There are dedicated security wings to monitor the activities of such secret groups in almost all foreign nations. Photo: Getty Images

There are dedicated security wings to monitor the activities of such secret groups in almost all foreign nations. Such agencies are very active in countries like the US, UK, Singapore, Japan and Australia. Spies attached to the Singapore police have found out that most of these gangs use social networking to lure youngsters.

They communicate with each other using signs and symbols. According to the sleuths, the group members can be identified easily as they sport strange tattoos on their chest and back neck, weird hairstyles, peculiar ear studs, and t-shirts with creepy images.

Ouija board

It has been claimed that Ouija boards, also known as spirit boards, can be used to contact the dead and communicate with spirits. Photo: Getty Images

Most of our youngsters would be familiar with the ‘mystical’ ouija board, thanks to movies. It has been claimed that ouija boards, also known as spirit boards, can be used to contact the dead and communicate with spirits. The idea is to summon the spirits you want to communicate with, and they will move the planchette around the board to spell out answers to the questions you ask. It all sounds pretty harmless, but there are people who begin to consult the board more and more and eventually become addicted, not wanting to do anything but spend time with the spirit.

Over the past year, there have been several reports of ouija Boards triggering demonic possession, either in individuals or in small groups.

Recently, about twenty students of a famous college in Bengaluru underwent counseling and de-addiction sessions by Dr. Jose Perayil after they became obsessed with the ouija board. Dr. Jose is an expert in preventive psychology hailing from Kerala. It took a great amount of time to help them return to normal.

There were people who had got trapped to this mysterious mechanism before their life eventually ended in suicide, the doctor says. The instance in which two kids from Bengaluru’s Cox Town committed suicide has brought forth the immeasurably harmful consequences of the addiction to the ouija Board. In the same area, around 10 persons took their life over a short period of time, and it is suspected that they were also ‘in contact with demons or spirits’.

Depression, negative thoughts, and suicidal tendencies can be symptoms of the so-called ‘spirit communication’ or ‘spirit chasing’, the doctor points out

How did the ouija Board become so popular? According to Dr. Jose, there is an international network operating along the lines of drug mafias behind this multi-crore business. They are powerful to the extent of marketing it through films and other popular mediums. Unfortunately, our laws do not have provisions to control or prevent the sales of such products. Parents and teachers must be vigilant all the time to ensure that children do not fall preys to these ‘tools of the devil’, the doctor adds.

Astral projection

The idea of astral travel, which is rooted in esotericism and occultism, was prevalent since ancient times in countries like Egypt, India and China. Photo: Getty Images

Probably, the most searched word on the internet by Malayalees during the past couple of days could be ‘astral projection’. Cadell Jeansen Raja, who allegedly killed his parents, sister and a relative in Nanthancode in the heart of Thiruvananthapuram last week, reportedly told his interrogators that he murdered them all during an attempt at astral projection to detach their bodies from souls.

On several websites it can be found that astral projection is an essential practice of Satanists. The idea of astral travel, which is rooted in esotericism and occultism, was prevalent since ancient times in countries like Egypt, India and China.

Let the police investigate and unravel the motive behind the Nanthancode murders. But we should not ignore the media reports on Cadell’s character and personality traits. An introvert by nature, the 30-year-old videogame buff had no friends and he rarely communicated with his family. Most of the time he remained upstairs glued to his computer. If you have children who behave in a similar manner, please be cautious.