Let the elderly die in peace

Once born, death is inevitable. Still we all try as much as possible to keep away death and prolong our life.

For that, we have to rely on doctors and hospitals, and they become our living gods and last resort.

However, of late, there have been many complaints against doctors and hospitals.

The main allegation is that many private hospitals that loot people have come up. There is some truth in this allegation.

However, I do not wish to blame them alone for this state. A continuous flow of a lot of money is needed to run a hospital equipped with all modern facilities and built with huge capital outlay.

Naturally, charges will be high in such hospitals. The government has to come forward to curb it. Everyone knows the pathetic state of government hospitals today.

If modern facilities are installed in government hospitals, naturally people will go there for treatment.

It is a deficiency that there is no mechanism to assess the ability of doctors and other staff in government hospitals and their commitment to the job.

Today we see ministers, people’s representatives and top officials going to foreign countries for treatment.

This sends a wrong message to people. People are likely to have the mistaken notion that hospitals in our country are useless and only treatment in foreign countries will save them.

Not only that, the cost of their treatment is covered by the treasury. At the same time, foreigners come to our country for cheaper treatment. What an irony.

All patients who come for treatment should not be considered alike. My opinion is that priority must be given to treatment of youngsters. Patients suffering from old age should not be troubled by giving unnecessary treatment and medicines.

Giving unnecessary treatment, despite knowing that there is no way to save the patient, is akin to torturing that family.

Doctors should be willing to convey the truth to the patient’s family. Relatives of the patients also have to play a major role in it.

I have conveyed certain things to my wife and children: if my health deteriorates, I should never be taken abroad for treatment. My treatment should be done at some hospital in Kochi.

If I contract any deadly disease, all treatment should be stopped and I should be given only pain killers. The biggest help that we can give to an old patient is to help that person die in peace without misery. For that, doctors and hospitals have to change a lot.