Anita’s Attic connects with Penguin

Writer Anita Nair with the participants of Anita's Attic Season 3 in Bengaluru

Anita’s Attic, a creative writing course and mentorship programme offered by writer Anita Nair in Bengaluru, found a non-commercial partnership with Penguin Random House India. The next session of Anita’s Attic will begin in June.

While partnering, Penguin will facilitate visiting lecturers and publishing professionals at the Attic, provide books that might be useful to the participants and offer publishing experience to them through short internships at Penguin Random House office in Gurgaon.

Anita’s Attic is jointly run by the writer and ‘conditionasapply’ a digital agency in Bengaluru. It is held annually in Bengaluru and the sixth session is scheduled to be held in June. It is also a launchpad for promoting the best talent through agent networking, publishing and state-of-the-art marketing tools. Already many new writers could get their works published and signed by major publishing houses.