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Last Updated Tuesday November 24 2020 01:50 PM IST

Check your reading speed, raise it with these tips

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The average reading speed of a man is 250 to 300 words per minute. However, there are people who read thousands of words much more rapidly. They need just minutes to finish a big book. The secret behind it is strenuous efforts and consistent reading. This world reading day, (observed in memory of Puthuvayil Narayana Panicker - father of the Library Movement in Kerala) take a look at few tips to speed up your reading.

1. No need to repeat mentally what has been read. That will be like reading the same thing twice. Absorb the content as you read on.

2. As a first step, you may read more than one word at a stretch. Later it can be done in sentences. Studies say the speed increases if one reads from the middle of sentences.

3. No need to repeat if you have forgotten what you read. Read a whole page and preserve it in your mind. Return to the book only if you can't recollect anything.

4. Keep a timer or clock nearby, and set the time as you read on.

5. Have precise intervals in between reading.

6. Reading slows down if you are eating.

7. Start efforts to learn more words right now. One of the main reasons why reading slows down is a lack of understanding of words.

8. Keep away from diverting influences like mobile phone and television while reading.

9. Hang on the wall, posters and pictures that inspire reading. It's like hanging the picture of a gift received for high marks, which stimulates an interest in studies.

10. Tell your family to paint the walls of your regular reading place in hues that you love. Colours like blue, purple and green help to speed up reading. Warm colours like red, yellow and orange be better avoided. 

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