MEA advises Indians at Russian Army to stay away from conflict zone in Ukraine

Members of the de-mining department of the Ukrainian Emergency Services survey an area of farmland and electric power lines for land mines and other unexploded ordnance. Photo/ Reuters/Violeta Santos Moura/File

New Delhi: India on Friday said it was in touch with Moscow for early "discharge" of Indians working as support staff to the Russian Army, and urged its nationals to stay away from the conflict zone in Ukraine.

The comments by External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal came following a report that some Indians are working as support staff to the Russian Army in the conflict zone.

"We are aware that a few Indian nationals have signed up for support jobs with the Russian Army," Jaiswal said.

He said the Indian embassy in Moscow has regularly taken up this matter with the relevant Russian authorities for their "early discharge". "We urge all Indian nationals to exercise due caution and stay away from this conflict," he said.

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