Bollywood director–choreographer Farah Khan is having a gala time in Abu Dhabi and has been sharing the experience with her followers too. So far, she has taken her fans on virtual tours of Abu Dhabi's Louvre Museum, Yas Island and more. Interestingly, she seems to be accompanied by her children, who are encouraging her to be adventurous and try out rides and all things new. Warner Brothers theme park and Sea World are some of the spots in Yas Island she shared interesting shots from.
Louvre, the home of art
In the video from the Louvre, Farah checks out various exhibits within the museum, alongside making 'interesting comments' on them. The art museum situated on Saadiyat Island in Abu Dhabi is operating under an agreement signed between France and the United Arab Emirates in March 2007. As per the terms of the agreement, the Louvre, the renowned art museum in Paris, will lend its name to this museum until 2037. The Louvre is the world's biggest museum and attracts the largest number of visitors. In the past, it served as the palace of the French royalty. It preserves iconic artworks such as the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci.
Described as France's most significant cultural project operating in a foreign country, the Louvre Abu Dhabi has galleries spanning 8,000 square metres within the 24,000 square metres area of the building. This makes it the largest museum in the Arabian Peninsula. The museum showcases artworks from around the globe with the intention of bridging the gap between East and Western art.
The exhibits include artworks from the Paris Louvre, Georges Pompidou, Musee d’Orsay, and the Palace of Versailles. The ticket price for adults at the Louvre Abu Dhabi is Rs 1,428 per head, with free entry for individuals below the age of 18. The museum operates from 10 a.m. to midnight. Mondays are designated as holidays.
Yas, the leisure island
Ferrari World, Yas Waterworld, Warner Bros World Abu Dhabi, SeaWorld, Clymb Abu Dhabi, Marina Circuit, Ethihad Arena... Yas Island has numerous options for tourists to have fun. Farah mentions Ferrari World and Warner Bros World as the spots she checks out with her children. Yas Island's Ferrari World is famous for 'Formula Rossa,' the world's fastest rollercoaster that the director tries out. Meanwhile, Warner Bros World has many themed lands like Gotham City, Metropolis, Cartoon Junction, Dynamite Gulch and more.