Spice up homely food at Chilliz

Chilliz. Photo: Arone G Koduvath

Rub-off suspicions that good and homemade food does not come in a restaurant! We found exactly the opposite at Chilliz restaurant & caterers. This tiny eatery will come to your delight with just two items on their menu - Biriyani and meals. The unswerving nature and mouth-watering taste of Chilliz biriyani can be attributed to the fact that it was freshly prepared. The basmati rice which has taste of its own, completely absorbs the flavors of the spices. Not that its any place for cosmopolitan crowd, but if you wish to gorge over cozy food don't hesitate to reach here. Quite affordable to our budget, the Biriyani cost Rs 130 while the meals come in handy with just Rs. 90. For a fast reach, get down at Manorama junction and then walk down the lane towards the end of Chelliozhukkam Road. It's the place to see and to be seen within a small-town ambience. What makes Chilliz so attractive and captivating is the silent atmosphere of the place away from the harsh horns of city movements. Yet another thing that sweetens the spicy menu is the 'Snowflakes' section which includes ice-cream and shakes. One can find a wide range of lists from Choco dunk to Rum & Rave shake. The restaurant, offers a sophisticated dining experience for those seeking to explore the ordinary and discover the potential of Kerala dining experience.

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