Several top airlines stop serving alcohol on flights

Do you love to enjoy a peg or two during your flight? Then there is bad news for you as several leading airline companies have stopped serving alcohol to passengers on aircraft. According to reports in international media, the move is intended to ensure social distancing and reduce interactions between travellers and crew during a journey as part of COVID-19 protocols.

However, passengers would be allowed to carry their own food and non-alcoholic beverages on aircraft as several in-flight catering services are being stopped. Most airlines would now be serving only drinking water to fliers.

As a number of airline companies have decided to include liquor ban among guidelines for passengers, people who look forward to tasting alcohol on a flight may have to check these conditions properly before boarding.

Meanwhile, some airlines have banned all beverages except water on flights. Others like KLM have announced that some soft drinks would also be available. However, American Airlines said it would continue serving alcohol on long-distance international routes.

Airlines including British Airways and Virgin Australia would not be providing food and drinks on flights. Instead, complementary pre-packed refreshments and a bottle of drinking water will be offered.

Another condition set by airlines that continue serving food on aircraft is that all passengers should pre-book their meals.

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