Virtual tourism: Tour the world without spending a penny

You can holiday many amazing national parks in the United States through a virtual tour. Photo: Shutterstock/Chan2545

Many dream about being in another country and having amazing travel experiences around the world. Often, the mind-boggling expense would discourage them. Here is an opportunity to see the world at no cost. 

Virtual tourism has gained prominence ever since the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic. It offers a wide range of possibilities that can be used for entertainment and education alike. Here’s a list of some virtual tourism destinations that can be enjoyed in the comfort of home.

National Parks in the United States
You can holiday many amazing national parks in the United States through a virtual tour. In the virtual world, you can not only explore the forest and the meadows but also dive deep into the sea. Their history and other information, and the methods of conservation, will be visible before your eyes. The virtual tour will take you through The Hamilton Grange National Memorial, Crater Lake National Park, National Mall, Memorial Park, and Yellowstone National Park.

The Louvre Museum, Paris
The Louvre Museum in Paris has many priceless collections. The ornaments used by the French dynasty are stored here. The French museum also has da Vinci's famous painting, Mona Lisa, the Egyptian archaeological collection, marble sculptures, and paintings like the Coronation of Napoleon. Let's enjoy virtually these priceless artefacts that have been collected over the centuries.

The Great Wall of China
The Great Wall of China is one of the world's most amazing human creations. Every nook and corner of this great structure can be seen virtually. It is a rare structure that is almost 2,000 years old. It's an amazing experience to see the huge wall that stretches over a distance of about 3,000 miles.

London's tourist attractions
You can enjoy London and its major tourist attractions through a virtual tour without setting foot in London. The Royal Albert Hall, Buckingham Palace, London Zoo, Harrods, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, Museum of London, Guildhall Art Gallery, Roman Amphitheatre, and the British Museum are some of the attractions that can be seen virtually in London.

Grand Tour of Switzerland
Switzerland is one of the most beautiful and orderly maintained beautiful countries in the world. The cost of travelling there is what is holding many people back from a trip to Switzerland. But you can see Switzerland virtually. You can get to see and know virtually about Lake Lugano to the historic churches of Zurich. You get the opportunity to enjoy Switzerland's 22 lakes, five aeroplane passes and 12 UNESCO-protected sites through the virtual show.

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