Tips to grow gardens in Kerala without investing too much time or money

Gardening would be easy if plants that suit the unique weather conditions in Kerala are chosen. Photo credit:Ankit Sah/

Most people complain that they can’t enjoy gardening as they have busy schedules or lack of space in urban areas. In such instances, choosing plants that require minimal care would be the best option. You could add a spot of greenery in your house while saving money, time and water too. Here are some simple tips that could keep your garden clean and beautiful.

Spacious front yard

Gardens could be divided into multiple sections if the front yard is really spacious. rock garden, pebble garden and Japanese-style Zen Garden are some of the gardening styles that you could try. Besides, you could choose plants that match the theme of the garden. Plants that do not require too much water like cactus and rocky artefacts could be used to decorate the rock garden. Meanwhile, golden pothos would look incredible amidst the shiny pebbles in the pebble garden.

Gardening would be easy if plants that suit the unique weather conditions in Kerala are chosen. Bushes are perfect in smaller spaces while shade-loving plants could be planted in areas that receive less sunlight. Hybrid hibiscus and roses grow in places that get good sunlight.

Water twice a week

Families that are employed or cannot spend too much time gardening could grow plants that require watering just twice a week in their garden. Cece plants and the dwarf varieties of sansevieria could be planted both indoors and outdoors.

Haven of greenery

Leafy plants could be chosen as flowering plants require more water and care.

  • Eugenia with bright red tender leaves belongs to the family of cloves. So, the leaves should be trimmed regularly. This plant could be grown in the centre of lawns or on the corners of gardens as it requires good sunlight.
  • Bushes like pothos, needle grass ribbon and garss cynconium are decorative plants that require minimal care. Golden and marble patterned pothos would definitely make your garden look incredible.
  • Creeping figs may take time to grow, but they last long. The leaves would remain fresh just by spraying some water during the summer. You could use saplings to grow creeping figs.

Colourful flowers

Bougainvillea are beautiful flowering plants that bloom even during summer. You could grow them by planting the stems. The colourful flowering shrub requires pruning during October and grows abundantly even in dry areas

Adenium which is also called dessert rose requires dessert-like surroundings to grow. The colourful flowers are incredibly beautiful. These plants require watering only twice a week. Pruning could be done whenever required, except in the monsoons.

Hamelia blooms throughout the year and can be pruned at regular intervals to maintain its beauty. The flowers that resemble jungle geranium attract honey bees and birds to your garden. These plants could be grown in the middle of lawns or in spots that receive a good amount of sunshine.


Vines are perfect to be grown in smaller spaces like the ceiling of car porches, on porticos or as a natural ceiling in gazebos. Thumburjia, golden cascade, wild alamanda bleeding heart and Rangoon creeper are some of the vines that could be grown in homes.

  • Golden cascades that do not need too much sunshine bloom through the year. The cascading yellow flowers look scintillatingly charming. Stems could be used to grow the vines.
  • Flowering vine called ‘aparajitha’ spread in abundance, granting a charming elegance to your home. White, blue and violet varieties of vines are available.

Indoor plants

Besides adding beauty and grace, indoor plants are perfect to reducing the heat inside the house. Smart pots could be used in flats or apartments in order to avoid leakage.

» Aglonima is a species that is available in more than 20 hues. The leaves don rainbow colours which look mesmerizing. These plants prefer an atmosphere that isn’t too humid or moist. Aglonima may decay if there is too much moisture in the atmosphere. Saplings could be used for growing this beautiful indoor plant.

» Cece plant grows beautifully in meagre sunlight or in dry places. Wiping gently on the leaves would make them graceful and vibrant. Loosened organic manure could be used to nourish this plant. 

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