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Cold showers can help increase testosterone production in men.
As per reports, one in four persons consume painkillers at least once a week.
Catastrophic medical expenses are unexpected and extraordinarily large medical costs that can be financially devastating.
Make sure to wash your face twice daily using a mild face wash.
Ginger is present in simple Indian meals, but while running after new-age health foods, you might not notice such simple superfoods aren't part of your meals.
It is learnt that the loans defaulted starting in 2019.
A few studies by the National Institute of Health notes that guava leaf extract can control the blood sugar level.
There are two main types of belly fat. The first one is the visceral fat and the other is the fat deposits that lead to a big belly.
Improper functioning of the thyroid hormones could lower the metabolic rate.
On and off, videos claiming that people who suffer sudden cardiac arrest could be saved by making them chew a piece of ginger circulate on social media.
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