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So why does body shaming persist in a world striving to champion body positivity?
By adding the hashtag #stillinprogress, Charulatha indicated that she has not yet reached her fitness goals.
Seek opportunities to give back, whether donating to causes you care about, sharing your talents, or simply spending time with a friend.
Do not hesitate to seek the professional help of a therapist if the symptoms of SAD persist.
The silent walking trend began on social media after TikTok content creator Maddy Miso shared her experiences while walking silently.
Try the affirmative talks for at least four weeks, to help kids get accustomed to it.
Once Gukesh qualified for the championship, one of the things his team looked around for was a mental coach.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is an effective treatment for OCD.
Divorce among older couples was uncommon in the past, particularly in Indian households.
Dr Kriss Venugopal's attempts to look at the major characters of the epic through the lenses of modern psychology turned out to be a thought-provoking exercise.
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