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The National board for wildlife (NBWL) has issued clearance to the Kerala water authority (KWA) to construct a check dam across the Silandhi river in Vattavada, Idukki. Tamil Nadu has raised serious objections to the project saying that it would affect the inflow of water into the Amaravathy river.
The newly formed panel consists of seven members, including the Additional Chief Secretaries of Kerala and Tamil Nadu, the chairman of the Cauvery Cell in Tamil Nadu, and his counterpart in Kerala’s Irrigation Department.
She has survived with injuries on her right foot.
The tourist group was on its way back when the bus met with an accident.
Tomy said that owing to the tense situation in Yemen, the process of demanding Nimisha's release, including the paperwork, was delayed.
Additionally, the court imposed a fine of Rs 50,000.
Sabu had approached the bank to withdraw his deposits to cover the medical expenses of his mother and wife.
The compelling event ran late into the night and by the time it ended at 4 am, the goat was sold out for Rs 3.1 lakh while the rooster fetched Rs 4,000.
During Roshy Augustine's visit, residents expressed concerns about the increasing human-wildlife conflict in the region.
After an autopsy, Amar's body was handed over to his family on Monday morning, and his funeral was held at Mullaringadu Juma Masjid.
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