Writer Sudha Menon has been selected for the 13th Avaneebala Award instituted in memory of teacher and literary researcher Dr S Avaneebala. Suhdha Menon's work, 'Charithram Adrusyamakkiya Murivukal' has been considered for the award, which carries a cash prize of Rs 10,000, a statuette, and a citation.

A panel comprising Dr Vasalan Vathusseri, Dr Sheeja Vakkam, Dr Vidya D R selected the book for the award. The award will be presented during the commemoration ceremony in the Press Club Hall at Kollam at 5.00 pm on August 6, 2024.


The book is a biography of victims, who have missed out on reaching the annals of history. It documents memories of the lost childhood of some remarkable women in history, their voices that were hijacked, their perpetual hunger, and smouldering embers of helplessness.

'Charithram Adrusyamakkiya Murivukal' is an ode to innumerable women in the past whose poignant tales were eclipsed by the eulogistic accounts of rulers and power centres.

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