New Rafale replica outside Air Chief's house, opposite Congress HQ

Rafale aircraft flies in Bengaluru skies during the rehearsal for the Aero India show 2015 at Yelhanaka Airforce Station on Feb 14, 2015. (Photo: IANS)

New Delhi: A replica of the Rafale fighter aircraft has been put up outside the official residence of Air Chief Marshal B.S. Dhanoa, which is attracting huge attention. The replica has come up right across from the Congress headquarters at 24, Akbar Road.

The Rafale replica has replaced a Sukhoi SU-30 model.

The Air Chief's official residence is 23, Akbar Road, just opposite the main hub of the Congress, which had made the Rafale deal one of its main election issue.

The purchase of the Rafale fighter aircrafts by the BJP-led NDA government had erupted into a big political controversy with the opposition, especially Congress president Rahul Gandhi, accusing Prime Minister Narendra Modi of influencing the deal.

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