'Epitome of integrity and dedication': Nation mourns death of Manohar Parrikar

Indian Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar inspects a guard of honour before commissioning the destroyer INS Chennai into the Indian Navy in Mumbai on November 21, 2016. - Indian Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar has commissioned the ship 'Chennai' into the Indian Navy, the third ship of the indigenously designed Kolkata-class guided missile destroyers built by Mazgaon Dock Shipbuilders Ltd. (Photo by INDRANIL MUKHERJEE / AFP)

New Delhi: Manohar Parrikar, the Chief Minister of Goa and former defence minister, died at his private residence in Panaji, Goa, on Sunday. He was 63. The announcement came just a few hours after Parrikar's office issued a statement, informing the media that the minister's condition was "extremely critical" and that doctors were trying their best.

Parrikar was diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer in February 2018 and has been in and out of hospitals in Goa, Mumbai, Delhi and New York since.

As the news spread, Indians took to social media to pay their last respects.

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