Flights from Kozhikode airport cancelled due to rain

A flight takes off from the Karipur International Airport. File photo: Manorama

A couple of Air India Express flights from Kozhikode are delayed and cancelled following heavy rains in the district. Manorama News reported that the Muscat flight scheduled for 11.10 pm, Riyadh flight which was to depart at 8.25 pm and Abu Dhabi flight slated for 10.05 pm tonight are cancelled. The airline claimed that the services were cancelled as they were asked to re-route the planes on Wednesday owing to inclement weather. 
On Wednesday night, an Air India flight from Doha to Kozhikode was rerouted first to Kannur and later to Mangalore due to heavy rain. The flight, which was supposed to land in Kozhikode at 7.30 pm, landed in Mangalore at 9.30 pm. Around 180 passengers, including children, pregnant women and unwell flyers were forced to continue inside the flight, until it took off for Kozhikode, this morning. Flyers also complained that food and other facilities were not arranged by the airline, despite the delay. An orange alert is in place in Kozhikode till Saturday.

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