Dubai air taxi: Ticket rates, how to book, routes and more

The air taxi will charge between 800 to 1,500 dirhams for a Dubai - Abu Dhabi trip. Photo: Shutterstock/Design Projects

Dubai hopes to revolutionise its public transport sector by launching air taxi services by 2026. The project is likely to be fully operational by the end of 2026. Meanwhile, Archer Aviation which has been roped in to operate the services has hinted about the ticket fares. It would cost up to 300 – 350 dirhams per passenger to fly inside Dubai. However, the charges may go up to 800 dirhams to fly to other Emirates. The ticket rate would be determined as per the distance. The distance that would take at least one and a half hours to cover on the road could be covered in just 10 – 20 minutes in a flying taxi. All the phases of construction will be completed by the end of next year. Meanwhile, the aircraft that would be used for the service are likely to be constructed in Abu Dhabi. The air taxi that can accommodate up to four persons could fly at a height of 500 – 3000 metres.

How to book?
It can be booked through a mobile application developed by Joby Aviation. Users can also reserve Uber rides via the app. Interestingly, the taxi will take off even if there is only one passenger. The taxis will have enough space to accommodate baggage. The routes would be finalised only after securing the required sanctions from the Dubai Civil Aviation Authority. The authorities hope that flying taxis will strengthen the tourism sector of the UAE. Meanwhile, the pilots would be trained in Dubai. The ground staff would connect the air taxi to the charging points as soon as the air taxi lands in the vertiports. Meanwhile, the plugs would be removed quickly before the air taxi gets ready for take-off with a new set of passengers. Interestingly, air taxis have been designed as a fusion of helicopters and aeroplanes. These would have the take-off manoeuvres of a helicopter while promising the comfortable flying experience of an aeroplane. 

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