Kerala rain: AIE flights, trains delayed, passengers protest

Trivandrum International Airport
AIE flights from Thiruvananthapuram airport are also delayed on Saturday morning. Photo: Manorama

Due to the inclement weather, train and flight services were delayed across Kerala on Saturday (May 25) morning, leaving passengers in the lurch.
Air India Express domestic flights from Thiruvananthapuram airport, which were supposed to leave in the morning, have not departed yet. Some of the flights are delayed by more than four hours, reported Manorama News. However, the carrier did not arrange food or other facilities for the passengers despite the delay, which led to a protest by travellers at the airport. 

More than 10 trains to Thiruvananthapuram have also been delayed today, including the Chennai-Thiruvananthapuram train, Jayanti Janata and Malabar Express. A yellow alert is in place in Thiruvananthapuram on Saturday, which signifies a rainfall ranging from 6 cm to 11 cm within 24 hours.

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