Mindspark: Two-day electronics and robotics programme held at Saintgits

Representative image: Shutterstock/Zivica Kerkez

Kottayam: The Department of Electronics Engineering at Saintgits College of Engineering, in association with IEEE and IEDC, successfully hosted ‘Mindspark,’ a vacation training programme for high school and higher secondary students on May 22 and 23.

Mindspark aimed to provide a strong foundation in Electronics, Chip Design, and Robotics. The programme offered basic awareness and hands-on experience in robot designing, drone designing, digital lock designing, and 3D printing. The event saw enthusiastic participation from students, who gained valuable insights and practical knowledge in these cutting-edge fields.

For further details, interested individuals can contact Dr. Anish Thomas, Senior Assistant Professor & Coordinator of Mindspark, at 8281130325.

(The author is a B. Tech Computer Science & Engineering student at the Saintgits College of Engineering (Autonomous), Kottayam, reporting for Onmanorama as part of our campus outreach programme, Onmanorama Campus Reporter)

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