Artistry for a cause: 'Reflections' exhibition at Saintgits inspires hope

Representative image: Shutterstock/Gorodenkoff

Kottayam: The Photography Club of Saintgits hosted ‘Reflections,’ an art exhibition by Geetha G, a retired professor of BCM College, Kottayam, recently. Prof Geetha's mission is to support underprivileged students through her creative works, demonstrating that age is not a barrier to skill acquisition.

In an interactive session with students, she shared insights on the art of painting. Spectacular murals and tea paintings were the major attractions of the exhibition. “The lively use of colours in her paintings was a feast for our eyes,” remarked Devika S, a student of B. Tech Electrical & Electronics Engineering.

Prof Geetha emphasized ways to identify and support the needy by earning extra income through artistic pursuits. “The painting I did most sensitively is that of a mother and a child,” said Geetha in response to a student's query. “Her passionate quest for knowledge is remarkable,” added Srinidhi P S, a B. Tech student with a flair for art and painting.

The author is a B. Tech Electrical & Electronics Engineering student at the Saintgits College of Engineering (Autonomous), Kottayam, reporting for Onmanorama as part of our campus outreach programme, Onmanorama Campus Reporter)

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