TVM-Bengaluru Air India Express makes 'emergency landing' in TN's Tiruchirappalli

An Air India Express spokesperson said the flight "was diverted to Tiruchirappalli due to a technical issue.". Photo: Screengrab/ Manorama News

Tiruchirappalli (Tamil Nadu): A Bengaluru-bound Air India Express flight with about 137 passengers made an "emergency landing," here following a technical glitch, sources at the airport said. The Thiruvananthapuram-Bengaluru service suffered the glitch mid-air, following which it made the safe landing here, the sources added.

All the passengers disembarked the flight and the technical crew was attending to the fault. An Air India Express spokesperson said the flight "was diverted to Tiruchirappalli due to a technical issue."

"A replacement aircraft is being organised to operate the flight to Bengaluru. We are providing all administrative arrangements and regret the inconvenience caused to the travel schedule (of passengers)," the spokesperson added.

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