Murali Gopy who is busy with the production work of Mohanlal’s upcoming film ‘Empuraan’ has announced his next project with director Jiyen Krishnakumar. The duo has collaborated before for Tiyaan’, the big-budget movie, which hit theatres in 2017. The film will feature prominent actors from Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, and Kannada film industries. The movie has been bankrolled by S Vinod Kumar under the Mini Studio banner, marking his14th film after Tamil hit ‘Mark Antony.’
Murali, who is writing the screenplay of the film, took to Instagram to announce the news. He also shared images from the film’s pooja ceremony.
“Stills from the pooja of my next as writer and actor. The Malayalam-Tamil multilingual movie, which is being directed by Jiyen Krishnakumar and produced by S Vinodkumar under the banner of Mini Studios, will have Arya leading the cast. Please watch this space for further updates,” he wrote.