South India is eagerly anticipating the release of 'Thangalaan', the latest film by Vikram and Pa. Ranjith, which is set to hit theatres soon. The movie is based on real events that took place in Karnataka's Kolar Gold Fields during the 19th century, and the cast and crew are currently immersed in promotional activities.
Recently, a video from the 'Thangalaan' press conference in Madurai went viral, sparking widespread discussion. The conversation gained attention due to Vikram’s response to a reporter's provocative question. The reporter asked, "You don’t seem to have as many fans as Ajith or Suriya." Vikram calmly replied, "That's because you don't know about my fans. Just come to the theatre and see for yourself."
The questioning continued, with another reporter pointing out that Vikram isn't in the top three list of leading heroes. Unfazed, Vikram responded, "Being in the top hero list isn’t important. What matters are the ordinary viewers. As far as I’m concerned, everyone is a fan of mine in some way."
During the exchange, another reporter interjected passionately, saying, "As a fan, I can't sit and listen to this. The actors you mentioned all have haters, but Vikram doesn’t." The video captures Vikram’s enthusiastic reaction to this comment. He also added that there's no need to respond to such questions.
Thangalaan is set to release on August 15. The film is produced by K. E. Gnanavel Raja under the Studio Green banner and features Parvathy Thiruvothu and Malavika Mohanan in the leading roles.