

Sweet goblets with granules of sugar—just the right way to celebrate any festival!

1 cup sugar
1 cup water
1 cup gram flour
¾ cup water to make batter
1 cup ghee
1 tsp coarsely ground cane sugar
15 seedless dried grapes
1 tsp powdered cardamom

In a thick bottomed pan, boil the sugar and water till a syrupy, thread like consistency is formed
Remove from fire and keep aside
Mix the gram flour with water and make a batter of pouring consistency
Add ghee to a pan and pour the gram flour batter through a slotted ladle into the ghee for frying. This will fall into the ghee like little pearl drops
Once the 'boondis' are done, drop them into the sugar syrup and very lightly, without much pressure, mix slowly. The 'boondi' shape should be intact
When the mixture cools down, add the dried grapes, cardamom powder and grounded cane sugar
Make laddu sized balls with this mixture. There should be at least one raisin in each ball
This makes about 15 laddus

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