Salt is an indispensable ingredient in food items we consume. However, apart from its dietary significance, salt is a multi-purpose substance and its role in effectively cleaning things is one of them. Here are a few examples where salt is put into use for effective cleaning:
Removes rust: Rust on iron objects can be cleaned effectively using salt. Put salt on the rusted areas and you can see the rust coming off easily.

Removes foul smell on clothes: Clothes give out a foul smell when they are exposed to moisture for a long time. A paste made of lemon and salt can be smeared on such clothes before drying them in the sun. This can help remove the bad smell of clothes.
Wards off ants and insects: Ants and insects on the floor and wall often create a problem. Mopping the floor with water diluted with salt can help keep ants and other tiny creatures at bay in the house to a great extent.
Removes wax: Wax stuck to a vessel can be removed by using salt. Put salt in it, pour water and keep the vessel still for some time. The vessel can be washed clean after that.


Removes bad smell in shoes: The disgusting odour in shoes can be removed by sprinkling salt inside the shoes.
Removes bad odour of hand: Washing hands in salinated water can help remove the bad smell of the hand after slicing onion, garlic and so on.
While cleansing fish tank: Put salt and rub while washing a fish tank. Clean water can be poured into it after that.
Removes foul smell in the sink: To remove foul smell in the sink, put half a cup of salt and pour cold water.

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