San Francisco: At least 65 per cent of women agree that the pandemic has made them rethink the place of work in their lives, says a new research.

According to a Gartner survey, of 3,515 employees, nearly 70 per cent of women with children agree the pandemic has changed how they value certain aspects of their life outside of work.


"In a hybrid work design - where women are more likely than men to take advantage of remote work - they may suffer from leadership bias," Alexia Cambon, research director in the Gartner HR practice, said in a statement.

"Fifty-nine per cent of women knowledge workers think in-office workers will be seen as high performers, and 78 per cent think in-office workers are more likely to be promoted," Cambon added.

An earlier Gartner survey of 2,971 business leaders shows 64 per cent believe on-site workers are higher performers, and 76 per cent say on-site workers are more likely to get promoted.

"Nearly two-thirds of women have increased expectation for flexible work," said Cambon.


"Organisations need to create an environment that empowers and trusts employees to choose the work schedule that works for their needs," Cambon added.

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