Renuka Chowdhury to file defamation case against PM Modi over Surpanakha remark

Chowdhury on Friday twitted that Modi insulted her by his remark made in Parliament in 2018. Photo: Twitter/ @RenukaCCongress and @narendramodi

After a Surat court held Rahul Gandhi guilty in a 2019 criminal defamation case over his remarks about Prime Minister Narendra Modi's surname, Congress leader Renuka Chowdhury announced that she would file a defamation case against Modi since the latter supposedly linked her laughter to 'Surpanakha', a demoness in Hindu mythology in a House proceeding.

Chowdhury on Friday twitted that Modi insulted her by his remark made in Parliament in 2018. She also posted a video of the House proceedings.

She added: "This classless megalomaniac referred to me as Surupanakha on the floor of the House. I will file a defamation case against him. Let's see how fast courts will act now."

In the video, Modi while addressing the Chairman said: "I request you not to say anything to Renuka ji. I am fortunate to hear such laughter today, after the Ramayana serial."

The Chairman had asked Chowdhury to be silent after her laughter was heard during Modi's address.

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