Pune Porsche accident: Teen driver's bail revoked, sent to observation home

pune car crash
The Porsche car driven by the 17-year-old fatally knocked down two motorbike-borne software engineers. Photo: PTI.

Pune: Reversing its initial decision, the Juvenile Justice Board in Pune revoked the bail granted to a 17-year-old who was involved in a Porsche car accident that killed two people. The teenager has been remanded to an observation home till June 5. 

The board had on Sunday granted bail to him hours after the accident in which two persons were killed, while also asking him to write a 300-word essay on road accidents, an order that drew an onslaught of criticism from various quarters. Police then approached the Board again, seeking a review of its order and permission to treat the teenager as an adult accused on the ground that the crime was of heinous nature. 

Police have registered a First Information Report against the minor, son of a real estate developer, under IPC sections 304 (culpable homicide not amounting to murder), 304 A (causing death by negligence), 279 (rash driving ), 337 (causing hurt by an act which endangers human life), 338 (causing grievous hurt by an act endangering life or personal safety) and relevant sections of the Motor Vehicles Act. 

The car driven by the 17-year-old who the police claim was drunk at the time, fatally knocked down two motorbike-borne software engineers at Kalyani Nagar in Pune city in the early hours of Sunday. The boy's father has already been arrested under the Juvenile Justice Act and remanded in police custody for handing over his car to his underage son, and thus exposing him to danger
(With PTI Inputs)

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