Human trafficking: Agents lure in people with promise of 'dreamland' Australia

Ambedkar colony in Delhi

New Delhi: The nondescript Ambedkar colony is among the hundreds of less-privileged colonies in Delhi. A narrow street cuts across the clutter of houses which sit on either side. The street takes one, at best, from one distressing burrow to another. For those living here, the aspiration to get out of the circle of lowly life is only instinctive.

The agents come calling on them with the lure of a superior life in a faraway paradise called Australia. The journey is wrought with perils, one that may take days on a boat across the open ocean. But people are ready to take the risk, some without even realising that it is illegal.

Those who are still in the colony are apprehensive of their kin who have already left after paying the agents amounts ranging from Rs 3 to 5 lakh. There are at least a hundred more who intend to toe the line.

Inside Ambedkar Colony is the Madrasi Colony where south Indians live. People live in three blocks. Apart from the pitiable life and low wages, there is absolutely no safety. A policeman was stabbed in December. Before that, two people were killed. Assaults on women, especially youngsters, are common.

No one admits that those who have left are headed to Australia. Most of them leave in the guise of going to their hometowns. Sources say there are some who have sold off their small holdings to raise funds to pay off agents; those who migrate with families shell out the most – Rs 5 lakh.

Most of those who have left are natives of Andhara Pradesh, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu but, of late, some of the natives too have opted to go. The actual number of those who have left could not be ascertained.

Residents at the colony were cold to a Kerala Police team which landed up for inquiries over Munambam human trafficking. Sources said the team could seek the help of their Delhi counterparts. Officers said the residents were generally reluctant to share any information.

The police also tried to visit the houses of a few people who they had recced but the doors were found locked.

Read more: Latest Kerala news

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