Pinarayi backs Prithviraj, says his opinion on Lakshadweep is that of Kerala society

Thiruvananthapuram: Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on Saturday came out in support of Malayalam film actor Prithviraj Sukumaran who is facing cyber attack allegedly from rightwing outfits over his statement opposing reforms in Lakshadweep by the islands administration.

Pinarayi alleged that the Sangh Parivar generally adopts an intolerant attitude towards everything and they showed the same intolerance against the actor.

The sentiments expressed by the actor on Lakshadweep is that of the Kerala society and this comes naturally to anyone living in the state, he said.

"Prithviraj expressed it in the right way. Like Prithviraj, everyone should be ready to come forward in such matters," the chief minister told reporters in response to a question.

Opposing the reform measures adopted by the island administrator, the actor had said he was receiving "desperate messages" from people he knew in Lakshadweep, pleading with him to draw the attention of the public to the issues there.

"How does disrupting the way of life of a centuries old peaceful settlement become an acceptable means of progress? How will threatening the balance of a very delicate island ecosystem with no regard for the potential consequences pave the way for sustainable development?" he had asked in a tweet.

Prithviraj Sukumaran, whose film "Anarkali" was shot in the islands in 2015, had appealed to the authorities to listen to the voice of the people of Lakshadweep and trust them to know what is better for their land.

"It's one of the most beautiful places on Earth, with even more beautiful people living there," he said.

(With inputs from PTI)

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