Kerala Tourism explores indigenous instrument in video

A video posted by Kerala Tourism, exploring the unique sounds and tones of the state is garnering applause on the social media. More than 40 lakhs viewers have already watched a short video about 'idakka,' also known as 'deva vadyam,' within just a week of uploading it.

Many interesting facts about the percussion instrument are explored charmingly in this video. For many, it indeed was a new knowledge that the sapta swaras or the seven musical notes could be beautifully played on this percussion instrument which belongs to the family of 'chenda.' From the hymn 'vande mukunda hare' to the evergreen nursery rhyme 'twinkle twinkle little star,' music flows effortlessly from the idakka.

The video titled 'Unveiling idakka' is the second in the series 'Follow the sound' which the Kerala Tourism department has initiated to introduce the unique sounds of the state to the world. These short videos are posted as part of the audio branding intended to attract more tourists to Kerala, to musically explore the state. Idakka is introduced and played in the video by Suresh Marar.

"There are lots to be explained about the idakka. We have included only some of it in the video. I am trying to experiment more with it. It indeed was exciting to try out the unique versions, other than the notes that I have traditionally learned," said Suresh Marar.

The video produced by Stark Communications for the Kerala Tourism offers an exhilarating show of sound and sights. The music is composed by Napolean and the idea is conceived by Alan Tom.

Leo Tom has composed the track for the video. He says it was difficult to introduce the notes of idakka in such a way that it captures the attention of the audience. "A lot of technical process went into the making of this video in order to make the audience experience the real feel of idakka. From the recording to releasing the final output, all of us had worked really hard. We had tried to curiously explore the nuances of a musical instrument with the help of technology. Technology opens up an array of possibilities. Our aim is to introduce our musical instruments to such scopes on a global level," notes Leo Tom.

Jishnu Vediyoor has wielded the camera for the video which portrays the quintessential natural beauty of Kerala. The video is produced by Artistory production house.

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