Dubai: Within two days after restrictions were imposed on tourist visas, the Dubai administration has scrapped the move.

The tourist visa norms were tightened on September 14 and applicants were asked to submit a six-month bank statement, return ticket, a letter promising that they would return, and proof of reservation for the hotel where they would be staying.


It was also said that those coming to Dubai to meet relatives on a tourist visa should also provide proof of the relatives' address and a copy of his or her Emirates ID along with the application.

Following concerns raised by travel agencies and others concerned, the Dubai authorities decided to dump the earlier decision to tighten the visa norms. The restrictions were introduced in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic.


The restriction had created concern among the NRIs as many Indians visit UAE in search of job opportunities using tourist visas.

Various travel agencies had also raised their concern as the new norms would affect their business.


There are still COVID-related restrictions in Dubai.

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