Thiruvananthapuram: The tourism department envisages a project to facilitate helicopter aka heli taxi services in order to connect the major tourism centers. The draft guidelines of the helicopter tourism have been prepared. In the initial stage, heli tourism that connects air ports and air strips would be envisaged.

More air strips would be allowed after understanding the scope of the project. Meanwhile, a few agencies have approached the government, expressing their interest in heli tourism in Kerala. The guidelines have been formed based on this.


Currently, there is an air strip at Peermade in Idukki district. Development of new air strips are considered at Bakel and Wayanad. The authorities plan to invite competitive tenders and assign an agency the responsibility of running the project.

Foreign tourists often complain that it takes longer to reach one tourist destination from another via roads due to heavy traffic blocks and poor road conditions. Even though heli tourism is expensive, foreigners may be willing to spend the money if it saves time. However, domestic tourists still have to rely on roads to reach the various tourism centers. 

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